X Race: Blaise Castle Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do I need to be really fit to take part?

Not at all. Our events are designed to be for everyone. Yes, they are challenging in areas but they have also been designed to not be super-technical (whether that's the running, rucking or functional fitness challenges) and therefore are accessible to everyone! You can also decide how to tackle the course, whether that is in our competitive heats, our just for fun heats and by yourself or with friends!

2. How do the different distances work?

We have 3 distances available, the sprint, endurance and the ultra.

Each distance requires you to complete the 5 functional zones, however, what varies is the distance of the trail runs and ruck runs as well as the number of times you are required to complete the course.

You can check out the specific routes here:

Sprint // Endurance // Ultra

3. What are the weights for the functional zones?

You can check them out here.

4 What shoes should I wear?

You can't go wrong with a sturdy pair of trail running shoes!

5. What happens if I can't complete one of the functional zones or obstacles on the assault course?

Burpees! Each individual functional zone & obstacle will have a burpee penalty if you are unable to complete it.

6. I'm not sure whether to enter the competitive heats or the just for fun heats...?

This is obviously completely up to you, both types of heats take on the exact same course but there are a few differences.

If you want to see how you fair against other fellow competitors and you enjoy the buzz of racing others, then the competitive heats are probably for you!

If on the other hand, you want to take on the challenge at your own pace and want to focus on yourself and not worry about others then the 'just for fun heats' may be for you! Equally, if you want to take part in a big group then the 'just for fun' heats are perfect for this!

7. How do the competitive heats work for the pairs?

If you take part in any of the competitive heats for the mixed pairs or same sex pairs, you score is the combined time it takes for you and your partner to each complete the course individually.

You will start at the same time and are permitted to run together (most tend to complete the course side by side), however, you must complete all challenges individually. Equally, you are not required to stay together, as previously explained, you will be timed individually and then your score is added together once you're both finished.

8. I want to take part with my friend in the just for fun heats, how do I make sure we are put in the same heat?

Whilst we can't always guarantee heat requests, we certainly do our very best to guarantee them in 99% of situations.

If you would like to take part with friends and did not add this to your heat requests when signing up, you can do so retrospectively. Just login to your account on our website, head to 'event tickets', navigate to your Blaise entry and click 'update booking/team details' and then add any required information for that person under the column 'booking details'.

Equally, if you have signed up under the same team name then we will know to put you together.

Please note: if you are entering the competitive heats and your friend is in the 'just for fun' heats, we are unable to put you in the same heat as these heats will be separate.

9. When will we find out our heat times?

We will send out an athlete pack which will include exact heat times on the week of the event. This pack will also include important information including parking etc.

Provisionally all heats will set off between 10am-11.30am.

10 Will there be a leaderboard to see my finishing time?

Yes, there will be a leaderboard available for everyone. The link will be made available on the day of the event.

11. Are there any prizes for the winner's of the competitive heats?

Yes - all overall winners in each competitive category will receive a winner's plaque.

12. Are there prizes for age group winners in the competitive categories?

No, currently there are not specific prizes for each age group. That being said, on the leaderboard, you will be able to see where you came overall in your competitive category as well as in your particular age group.

13. What other amenities will there be on the day?

A bag drop area, toilets, food and drink vendors and also some extra special fitness apparel & merch!

14. Will there be a photographer on the day?

Of course - we'll have several throughout the route!

15. Will there be water stations on the course?

Of course, there will be several along the route!

16. Do we have to bring our own rucksack for the ruck?

Nope, we provide all equipment for the day.

17. Do I have to pre-book parking?

Yes, we will send out a link to book parking in your athlete pack in the lead up to the event.

18. When will we receive our athlete packs?

Your athlete packs will be sent out by 8th September at the latest. You will then receive your exact heat start time on the week of the event by 18th September at the latest.

Can't find the answer to your question?

Email us at events@superhumansports.com and we can answer it there!

Secure your spot to September's X Race: Blaise Castle here.

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